
I am a newcomer to Canada. And when I came with my family as a new immigrant, I thought I was prepared for my move. But in hindsight, I realise that I was not. It is not so much that I could have prepared better, it is more of the things that I have had to get used to. Lots of new things I have had to learn, that I could not have even imagined.

As I have learned to cope with my new life in Canada, I have come across many other people like me who are newcomers and people who came here a long time back. Some have been very successful and some less. Some are extremely happy and others unbelievably miserable. I lie somewhere in between, but my hope is to make a successful and happy life here in Canada for myself and my family.

Everyone has their own perspective and their own unique ways of dealing with their new life in Canada. This is mine! And I hope to learn from yours. A lot of the advice is in hindsight; I also did not do it right the first time.

IMP. NOTE – This site is about ‘how to succeed in Canada as a newcomer’. If you have something to say, make it positive. Talk about your successes. If you are going to talk about failures / mistakes, again talk about the lesson you learnt and what we can learn from it. If you want to read about how bad things are, go to a news site – they will tell you all the death and destruction happening around the world.